vMix's Innovative Technology in Seacrest Studios

JVC's custom vMix solution revolutionizes the Seacrest Studios experience with its technology and exceptional customer service. From resolving challenges swiftly to integrating easy content creation with advanced graphics and automation, vMix ensures smooth operations and engaging programming for pediatric patients. Hear firsthand from our team members about these invaluable contributions:

"Recently, we encountered frustrating issues with our vMix, experiencing daily unexplained crashes disrupting our programming. JVC's standout customer support for vMix proved invaluable as their team diligently assisted us, spending countless hours troubleshooting and seeking solutions. They went above and beyond, even involving the build team and overnighting a temporary vMix computer until we were back up and running at 100% capacity. We are incredibly grateful for their persistence and support!" – Jill Pocius | Seacrest Studios, Dallas

"At Boston Children’s Hospital, we harness vMix's full potential to create programming with complex and engaging graphics that are easy to operate within Seacrest Studios' unique setup. Through vMix’s Google Sheets API integration, we easily control text and images using spreadsheets. This enables us to swiftly add new content, including patient-made content like puzzles for Wheel of Fortune or family feud questions. We're also sharing our workflow with other studios through Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel."

"We heavily rely on vMix’s shortcuts and triggers, which streamline operations by condensing multiple clicks and inputs into single actions. This efficiency allows our studio team to focus more on the patients and less on managing the show's logistics." – Henry Johnston | Seacrest Studios, Boston

A sincere thank you to vMix for their support, cutting-edge technology and outstanding customer care. We are grateful to better the lives of pediatric patients alongside partners like you.