Riley Clemmons Stops by Le Bonheur Children's during "A Hundred Highways" Tour

Singer/songwriter Riley Clemmons visited Seacrest Studios at Le Bonheur Children’s in Memphis, TN on Friday, September 29th. Riley has just kicked off the “A Hundred Highways” tour with Zach Williams. She also recently released her new, much anticipated album Church Pew.

During her visit, Riley performed a song called “Loved by You” off her new album. Patients at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital asked Riley what her favorite song to sing is and were interested in how they can start writing their own songs.

Riley played two fun games with the patients live on air. We played a game called Quick, Quick, Quick where Riley had to rapidly name off 3 things related to a certain category as fast as she could. She also showed off her vocal talent with a game called Karaoke Kards. Each card has a different karaoke prompt that she had to follow. The first card she pulled prompted Riley to sing a song that reminded her of her best friend. Another card required her to sing a song from a movie. She sang Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid!

During the interview, patients learned that Riley always brings her retainers on tour with her and that she is 100% a dog person. Riley talked about how excited she is to perform that night in Graceland. Thank you to Riley Clemmons for visit the Seacrest Studios at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital!